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Program Description

An elementary school aged activity program to promote health and wellness practices and strategies for 3rd to 5th graders that engage families through downloadable Fun Activity Guides.

Peers Educating & Empowering Peers

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Peers Educating & Empowering Peers
Program Description

In an effort to engage youth in prevention and coalition leadership, the Alliance began a youth initiative in 2016. With input from young people from across Oakland County, PEEPs (Peers Educating and Empowering Peers) was formed. This unique group brings together coalition youth members to promote healthy lifestyles through prevention education across Oakland County with a special focus on youth empowering events.

Save A Life - Naloxone Trainings

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Save A Life - Naloxone Trainings
Program Description

Naloxone is a medication used to rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It can quickly restore breathing and prevent brain damage or death in cases of opioid overdose. It is an important tool in the treatment of opioid addiction and is often carried by first responders, emergency medical personnel, and family members of those with opioid use disorder.


Join the Alliance for a free in person or an online class to assist you with the administration of Naloxone should you be faced with saving a life during an opioid overdose emergency.


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Program Description

The Alliance provides exceptional recovery support through Resolve, which is focused on restoring the health and hope of people in recovery and their families. By providing education, tools and support, Resolve addresses the unique issues related to substance misuse recovery.

This program can be used in conjunction with Certified Peer Recovery Coaches, outpatient therapy or as a stand-alone option for many individuals seeking support on how to lead a healthy and successful recovery lifestyle.


World of Wellness

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World of Wellness
Program Description

The Alliance's Health and Wellness Initiative utilizes proven best practices to support a "Culture of Wellness" in Oakland County. This is accomplished by providing education and community services on a variety of health related topics, including healthy lifestyles and nutrition and utilizing mindfulness as a means for stress relief. Additionally, the Wellness Initiative provides education on wellness modalities to combat substance use as a means of coping with mental illness and chronic pain. 

Girls Empowered

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Girls Empowered
Program Description

A 5-lesson program conducted once a week during or after school. This program is designed to empower 6-8th grade girls with information and skills to make healthy life choices

Prime For Life

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Prime For Life
Program Description

Prime for Life is a self-evaluation based program that allows participants to reflect on their decision making, learn to protect what is important to them and dive deep into how high-risk choices with substance use impacts different aspects of life. It includes 4-8 hours of content, a private workbook to complete activities and a step-by-step process of how to create goals for a more positive future. This program can be used as a prevention tool, as well as an intervention for students who are displaying at risk behaviors.

ReNEWed Jr

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ReNEWed Jr
Program Description

Through a partnership with Variety the Children’s Charity of Detroit, the Alliance offers ReNEWed Jr., a program for 2-4th grade elementary school aged children and is designed to provide students with tools for dealing with stress, anxiety, and other difficult feelings. The program covers subjects focused on how to cope with difficult emotions, positive ways to address feelings, healthy/unhealthy relationships and appropriate and helpful communication skills.

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