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An interactive one hour presentation designed to teach parents/guardians about the difference between THC & CBD, the impact of high potency THC on the developing brain, how to watch for signs that their child might be using and how to talk to their child about marijuana use.
An interactive one hour presentation designed to help parents/guardians keep their children safe with prescription drugs.
A 30 minute presentation designed to be a stand-alone or add-on to a longer presentation or event. This presentation teaches parent/guardians skills that they can use to help their child during periods of transitions (i.e. middle to high school or high school to college).
An interactive one hour presentation designed to teach parents/guardians the effects of alcohol on the developing brain, how to tell if their child is drinking, how to help their child make healthy choices.
An interactive one hour presentation designed to teach parents the truth about vaping and provide them with resources on how to talk with their child about vaping.