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Older Adults

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Program description

The Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities is dedicated to ensuring the health and wellness of all residents of Oakland County including the overall wellness among older adults (age 55 and older) by providing:

  • Support for the integration of health and wellness initiatives into the culture of senior living centers
  • Opportunities for older adults to improve physical wellness and relieve chronic pain via alternative approaches to pain management
  • Opportunities for older adults to improve social wellness by creating cross-generational relationships

Through the Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE), the Alliance's trained team will implement a 6 week curriculum-based health promotion program that aims to help older adults increase their knowledge and awareness of issues related to health and the aging process.

Program objectives include helping participants to:

  1. Understand how lifestyle choices and behaviors impact health;
  2. Learn to use tools and feel empowered to manage health care, particularly regarding the use of medications
  3. Understand the aging process and how it affects the metabolism of alcohol and medications;
  4. Develop an appreciation for cultural and generational diversity, including their own increasing age; and
  5. Recognize the early signs and symptoms of depression.

The six-lesson WISE curriculum is delivered by trained substance abuse prevention specialists at small-group sessions held weekly over a 6-week period. Each lesson lasts 2–3 hours and normally includes breakfast or lunch. The lessons are presented through a mix of lecture, discussion, small-group activities, and individual exercises. Participants also are given tools and resources for use at home, helping to increase the likelihood that they will put into practice and share what they have learned


Contact us

For more information, call 248-221-7101 or email [email protected]