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Program and/or event held online via weblink

Catch My Breath

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Catch My Breath
Program Description

CATCH My Breath is a free, evidence-based youth vaping prevention program with published evidence of reducing students’ likelihood to vape. Aligned to national and state education standards, CATCH My Breath can be taught by individuals who serve youth in grades 5-12, including educators, local and state government agencies, public health specialists, and community volunteers.

This evidence based vaping prevention program consists of four unique lessons that are approximately 35 minutes each. It is designed for students in grade 6-8. 

Catch My Breath

Program Main Image
Catch My Breath
Program Description

CATCH My Breath is a free, evidence-based youth vaping prevention program with published evidence of reducing students’ likelihood to vape. Aligned to national and state education standards, CATCH My Breath can be taught by individuals who serve youth in grades 5-12, including educators, local and state government agencies, public health specialists, and community volunteers.

This evidence based vaping prevention program consists of four unique lessons that are approximately 35 minutes each. It is designed for students in grade 9-12. 


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Program Description

This program provides students with tools for creating a balanced diet and developing a positive body image. This is done by learning about the nutrition in our food and how it affects our body, mind, and wellbeing and how your environment can impact body image. This program consists of three 40-minute lessons. 


Program Main Image
Program Description

This program provides students with tools for creating a balanced diet and developing a positive body image. This is done by learning about the nutrition in our food and how it affects our body, mind, and wellbeing and how your environment can impact body image. This program consists of three 40-minute lessons. 

Click here for Nourished Flyer.


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Program Description

This program provides students with tools for understanding the importance of healthy eating and developing confidence in their food choices. This is done by learning about the nutrition in our food and how it affects our body, mind, and wellbeing. This program consists of three 40-minute lessons.


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Program Description

A middle school program for 6th-7th grade designed to provide students with tools for dealing with stress, anxiety, and other difficult feelings. There are three 45 minute lessons that can be implemented individually or as a collective.

Click here for ReNEWed flyer.

SMART Recovery

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SMART Recovery logo
Program Description

The Alliance provides SMART Recovery online, 7 days a week.

SMART Recovery (link: is a fresh approach to addiction recovery.
SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.

Save A Life - Naloxone Trainings

Program Main Image
Save A Life - Naloxone Trainings
Program Description

Naloxone is a medication used to rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It can quickly restore breathing and prevent brain damage or death in cases of opioid overdose. It is an important tool in the treatment of opioid addiction and is often carried by first responders, emergency medical personnel, and family members of those with opioid use disorder.


Join the Alliance for a free in person or an online class to assist you with the administration of Naloxone should you be faced with saving a life during an opioid overdose emergency.

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