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Mark Swiecki - Specializing in Support

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Mark Swiecki

The Alliance works to reduce the stigma around addiction and the fallacy that recovery looks the same for everyone. That perspective is exactly what drew Mark Swiecki to the organization two years ago. 

“My personal experience taught me how crucial it is for people working to recover from addiction to understand that there are multiple pathways to recovery,” says Swiecki. “The shame and hopelessness I felt when the program I was told was ‘the only way to recover’ didn’t work for me, set me back in my own journey and harmed my mental health. I don’t want others to have that same experience.” 

As a Recovery Support Specialist, Mark manages SMART recovery meetings and the RESOLVE© life skills program. This program provides exceptional recovery support and life skills training by focusing on restoring the health and hope of people in recovery and their families. The stories that are shared, Swiecki says, are proof that one size doesn’t fit all. For more information about RESOLVE©, see the previous story about Edward Sosnick.

“The stories I hear about growth and resilience are remarkable. Participants who have been in long-term, abusive relationships finally have strength, confidence, and support to leave these relationships and begin new lives. Participants with histories of trauma finally feel strong enough to push through the discomfort and begin trauma therapy. Participants with self-worth and people-pleasing issues, finally have the courage to stand up for themselves, put their own needs over the wants of others, and set healthy boundaries.”

Mark is just one of the dedicated Recovery Support and Overdose Prevention team members that has personal experience with addiction and recovery. 

“We all feel grateful that we can use our life experiences, especially the lessons we had to learn the hard way, to help others.”